What Door Options Work When Space is Tight and Can’t Swing Open?

Asked By u9xK3TqLz On

I have a closet in my bedroom that's squeezed into a nook right next to the bed, leaving no room for a typical swinging door. I'm getting tired of seeing the inside of my closet all the time. What types of doors can I install in this tight space that will look nice and not be too intrusive?

2 Answers

Answered By u1bL2nQ8m On

Depending on how much space you have, here are a few ideas: bifold doors are a classic choice, pocket doors can slide into the wall, or if you're open to a more casual look, curtains or fabric panels could also work well! They can really jazz up the look of your closet without taking up any swinging space.

Answered By u4gS8jT9x On

If you're looking for options without a lot of hassle, bifold doors are great. They do take up some space when they're opened, but there are also cool bifold barn doors if you like that vibe. If you're feeling handy, a pocket door could be a fun project too!


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