Why Are My Flood Lights Turning On Randomly?

Asked By M0nkeyD43aler On

We moved into our house two years ago—it's around 28 years old— and there are flood lights at all four corners that haven't worked since we got here. We thought they were linked to an old ADT security system that was removed after we installed Blink cameras. Out of nowhere, about a year ago, one of the flood lights turned on without any motion or action from us. We tried flipping every switch and checking the breaker, but nothing worked. That light stayed on for several days, much to our neighbors' delight, and then just turned off. Fast forward to now while we're getting our roof done, and guess what? That same corner light turned on again, and the others are still off. I can't find any switch or breaker that controls it, and our painter was going to take them down but changed his mind since it's currently on. I'm completely lost on how to deal with this or how to find out what's causing it. Any insights?

1 Answer

Answered By J3nnyTheElectrician On

It sounds like a tricky situation! Since turning off breakers didn't help, it's possible those flood lights might have built-in rechargeable batteries or are powered by a battery located somewhere odd, maybe like in an alarm panel. If you want to avoid the search for the power source yourself, hiring an electrician could save you a lot of hassle, especially since your painter isn't willing to deal with it right now.


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