Need Help Building a Small Ramp for My Dog

Asked By DogLover42! On

Hey everyone! I'm looking for some guidance on how to build a small ramp for my senior dog. He's been struggling a bit with the step into our home, which is about 6 inches high. I want to make something that reduces the stress on his hind legs. Any tutorials or tips you can share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

2 Answers

Answered By RampBuilder99 On

For a 6-inch step, a ramp can really help your dog! You don't necessarily have to build it from scratch—consider using a sturdy piece of plywood and some brackets. Just ensure it's not too steep so he can use it comfortably. You could also try using a book as a temporary step while figuring things out!

Answered By CraftyPaws88 On

If you're looking for tutorials, YouTube has some great options for building pet ramps. Just make sure you check the weight limit and materials used. Using non-slip surfaces on the ramp will help your dog feel secure while climbing up and down.


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