What Can I Direct Sow in February in Northern Utah?

Asked By Gard3nM4st3r99 On

Hey everyone! I'm wondering if there are any options for direct sowing in February, especially since I'm located in Northern Utah, zone 6b. I'd love to get a head start on my garden this year!

2 Answers

Answered By SeedSavvy99 On

You won’t find many vegetables to sow right now, but consider planting some cover crops like barley, rye, vetch, clovers, alfalfa, and spring oats. I personally like to sow barley in February because it grows quickly and adds some greenery to my garden while I'm waiting for other plants to wake up!

Answered By VeggieWhisperer42 On

In addition to those cover crops, you might also be able to direct sow some onion varieties or snow peas, depending on how cold it is in your area.


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