Did I Overdo It with 25 Gallon Grow Bags for Melons and Tomatoes?

Asked By Gard3nLover101 On

Hey everyone! I'm starting my first garden with melons and indeterminate tomatoes, and I came across some advice saying that 25-gallon grow bags are a solid choice. I ended up buying a bunch of them, but now I'm seeing mixed opinions about using bags that big. Am I going to waste soil and space with these? Also, could I plant more than one plant in each bag? Any thoughts would be super appreciated!

3 Answers

Answered By GreenThumbGoddess On

I say go for it! A 25-gallon bag can comfortably hold two plants if you manage them well. I’ve transitioned from smaller 5-gallon containers to larger ones, and I’ve found my harvests have improved along the way. Just be cautious about overcrowding, or else your plants might get grumpy!

Answered By TomatoFanatic44 On

Using 25-gallon bags for tomatoes is totally viable! In fact, I often plant three cherry tomato plants in one bag, boosting my yield significantly. Since you're starting from seeds, I think you'll really benefit from the extra space. As for melons, I can't weigh in on those since I've experienced some issues, but for tomatoes, you're good to go. Just keep an eye on their growth!

Answered By DirtDigger81 On

Honestly, bigger is often better in gardening! Sure, a 25-gallon bag takes more soil and can be pricier, but the plants will thrive with more room for their roots. You could definitely run an experiment and compare it with smaller bags to see how your harvests differ. That could be a fun project in your garden!


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