Best Pepper and Watermelon Varieties for Florida Gardeners

Asked By g4rD3nL0v3r88 On

Hey all! I'm starting a garden in Florida (Zone 10b) and I'd love some recommendations for seeds. What types of peppers and watermelons thrive in our hot and humid climate? I'm especially looking for varieties that really do well around here. Thanks for your suggestions!

2 Answers

Answered By PePpErProwler99 On

Most peppers do great in Florida, particularly in the heat. If you have a preference for specific types, go with those! Hot climates are definitely their friend, so you should be fine with whatever you choose to plant.

Answered By GrowItRight89 On

Be cautious with large sweet peppers like bell peppers; they can struggle with sunscald in intense heat. Hotter varieties, like poblanos or anaheims, usually do better. For watermelons, check out local university extension websites for disease-resistant options. It's a good idea to see what works well specifically for our area!


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