Best Plants for Filling Gaps Between Paving Stones?

Asked By G4rdenF4n_92 On

I'm really tired of dealing with weeds and I absolutely love how moss or greenery looks between paving stones. I'm looking for suggestions on how to get this effect. Is creeping thyme the best choice, or should I go with moss? If moss is the way to go, where can I actually buy some?

2 Answers

Answered By MossyM0rning_88 On

You can actually buy moss online! But honestly, if you keep the area nice and moist, you might just encourage it to grow naturally. Just make sure it gets enough shade. Also, there are thyme varieties specifically for gaps, but be sure to clear out any grasses first; otherwise, they could overpower it!

Answered By Pl4ntS3eker_54 On

I’m experimenting with different plants myself! I’ve got creeping thyme, phlox, and aubretia in the mix. I think the thyme might be the safest pick, but I'm crossing my fingers that at least one of them will thrive!


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