Best Tools for Cutting a Board Straight from Overhead?

Asked By DIYer_88$ On

I'm working on a project where I need to trim a board that's 16 feet long and positioned about 7 feet up. I need to shave off between 1/4" and 1/2" to help it seal better. I'm not very experienced with cutting straight lines, and I'm considering using a circular saw or a Sawzall. I was thinking about using a piece of wood as a guide for my circular saw. Any tips or tool recommendations?

1 Answer

Answered By ToolGuy$82 On

Using clamps for a guide board is usually my go-to, but nailing down a piece of wood works just as well. Just a heads-up, if what you're cutting is a load-bearing piece, be careful with how much you trim since it could affect its stability.


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