Best Ways to Soundproof Bedrooms for Kids

Asked By User1234! On

Hey everyone! I'm considering soundproofing the guest bedroom, which is located between my bedroom and my 15-month-old son's room. We're expecting another child soon, so I want to reduce the noise between the rooms. I'm thinking about removing the drywall in the guest bedroom, adding insulation, re-drywalling, and getting better doors. I've also looked into adding some acoustic dampening art, like felt shapes or tapestries, eventually. Any tips on effective soundproofing techniques would be greatly appreciated!

2 Answers

Answered By SoundGuru99 On

Double sheet rocking the walls works best. Also, consider adding rock wool insulation for even better results! It's a solid choice for soundproofing.

Answered By InsulationMaster88 On

While you're at it, make sure to air seal around outlets and switches on both sides of the wall. Look for soundproof insulation and drywall; products like QuietRock and Safe 'n' Sound insulation could help a lot. Just remember to keep everything sealed tight for maximum effectiveness!


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