Can I Add a Riving Knife to My Portable Table Saw?

Asked By WoodFanatic92 On

I'm exploring the possibility of adding a riving knife that moves up and down with the blade on my portable Ryobi BTS20R-1 table saw. Currently, it has a fixed separator that restricts the table space I can use, and even though I've heard this saw isn't the best, it's the most suitable option for my needs. The limited space in my workshop makes it important for me to utilize the table surface effectively. Any ideas on retrofitting or adjusting this setup?

2 Answers

Answered By SawMaster69 On

Adding a riving knife to older saws like yours can be tricky, as many aren't designed for it. You can remove the existing blade guard, which is a good start, but retrofitting a movable riving knife might not be feasible. I found some success by switching to jig knobs for quick access, which has made my setup easier, but if it's a fixed position, that might be your only choice for now. You could consider alternatives like the Shark Guard that offers a manually adjustable knife, though it won't solve the clearance issue completely.

Answered By TableSawGuru On

Yeah, what you have is technically a separator, but it’s commonly called a splitter. In my experience, using a feather board alongside the blade prevents kickback effectively. However, I understand that the fixed separator gets in the way for practical use. Crafting solutions for a small workspace is definitely a challenge, but it sounds like you're on the right track!


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