Can I Plant Different Blueberry Varieties Together?

Asked By BlueSky_28$ On

I started a blueberry orchard project two years ago using native Powderblue blueberries from Tractor Supply. This year, I added two Premier variety bushes to the orchard. Currently, I have five Powderblues in one row and the two Premiers in another. I'm planning to expand but I'm curious about how mixing different varieties might affect the berries produced. Is it okay to have different varieties together?

1 Answer

Answered By Gardener99! On

Mixing different blueberry varieties in your orchard is generally a good idea! The Powderblue bushes will produce Powderblue berries and the Premier bushes will produce Premier berries, so they won't mix in that way. However, planting diverse varieties can enhance pollination and might even improve your yield since some varieties require cross-pollination to produce fruit. So go for it!


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