Can Pansies Thrive Indoors?

Asked By G4rdenGeek89 On

I'm new to indoor gardening and just got four beautiful pots of pansies, including two with smaller flowers (I think they're violas) and two with larger blooms (regular pansies). I find them too lovely to leave outside where I rarely see them, so I'm thinking of keeping them in my room instead. I've read that they need about 6 hours of direct sunlight, but my room only has two north-facing windows, which might not be enough light for them. I'm particularly concerned about the lighting situation since my environment is cool and humid, which is manageable. Has anyone had success growing pansies indoors? Am I wasting my money on these beautiful flowers, or is there a way to make it work?

1 Answer

Answered By PlantLover77 On

I checked with my local garden center about this just the other day! I'm redecorating my son's room and thought some pansies might be nice. However, the expert told me not to bother since pansies are really cool-weather plants. They probably wouldn’t do well indoors and might wilt and die in that environment. Such a bummer! But you can definitely decorate with pansy-themed stuff instead!


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