Do I Need Shims Between My Bathroom Vanity and the Wall?

Asked By User123$%^ On

I'm having a bathroom vanity installed, and I've noticed there's a bit of a gap between the back of the vanity and the wall due to the countertop overhang. The worker attached it without using any shims and left those gaps. I'm worried that if someone bumps into the vanity, the pressure will be on the screws and not on any shims that might have been placed. Is it normal to leave it like this, or should shims be used?

2 Answers

Answered By ToolTimeTom On

Not using shims is a sign of poor workmanship. Shimming can really help prevent problems down the line. I'd recommend addressing that with your installer soon.

Answered By HomeFixer99 On

Ideally, the countertop shouldn't overhang at the back of the vanity—only at the front and sides. If the countertop was just test-fitted, using shims behind the vanity would definitely give you some peace of mind and help secure it better. You could ask the installer to add them before finalizing the countertop install.


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