Do My Garage Cabinets Have to Be Plywood?

Asked By U4P5z1rN On

I'm planning to build lower cabinets for my garage or shop, but I'm noticing that plywood prices are pretty steep—around $60 or more for a low-quality 4'x8' sheet of 3/4" Standard Spruce. I'm wondering if it's possible to use a frame made from 2x4s instead. Since the doors and drawers will cover most of the interior, is that a viable option? What do you think?

3 Answers

Answered By F1nD2R8s On

Using 2x4s can work, but sourcing straight ones can be tricky. Instead of 2x4s, you might consider using 2x10s and just cut out the middle sections. There's an interesting video by Stumpy Nubs about this kind of approach that you might find helpful.

Answered By H2K8o5yM On

It really boils down to your skills and tools. If you don't have a planer, table saw, or clamps, it could be tough to get everything flush and square. Sure, plywood can be pricey, but when you consider how easy it makes construction, it might be worth it!

Answered By J3K4l8mG On

You definitely don't have to use plywood for cabinets. In fact, the cabinets in my house are made from other materials, and they're holding up just fine. It's all about what works best for you and your project!


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