Got Quotes for Foundation Crack Repair, Need Advice on the Best Option

Asked By Qw3rtY!oP On

I'm in the process of buying a house, and the sellers have agreed to fix a significant horizontal crack in the foundation wall, which measures around 0.75" by 4.5 feet. I've gotten two quotes that differ hugely in price:

1) The first quote from JES is $13.9k, proposing the use of Intellibraces.

2) The second quote from Schnitzholfer and Associates is $5.5k and suggests carbon fiber straps.

Both quotes also include some additional repairs nearby, such as fixing the sill and a beam. I'm planning to call both companies for more details, but I'd love some advice on how to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of the proposed repairs. The sellers seem to prefer the cheaper option, but I want to ensure that whatever repair I choose will last for decades. Also, I can't seem to upload pictures here, which I thought I could do.

2 Answers

Answered By S4fetyN3t On

Carbon fiber straps are known to be a permanent solution, while Intellibraces can also be effective but come with a more involved installation process. It’s worth noting that the carbon fiber straps won't realign the wall, but they sit flush against it, so if you plan on finishing your basement, they'll be easier to work around. On the flip side, Intellibraces stick out about 6 inches, which could affect your finishing plans. If you're not going to waterproof the outside wall, I’d lean toward the carbon fiber option. Make sure to ask the JES installer whether ongoing inspections or adjustments are necessary for the Intellibraces, as they may require yearly checks to maintain the warranty.

Oh, and since your crack is in the crawl space, it sounds like carbon fiber might be the way to go given that you won't have to worry about finishing it later.

Answered By C0nstruct0rGurus On

It’s a good idea to consult an independent structural engineer for an unbiased assessment of the situation. Foundation repair companies have their own interests, and they might push their preferred solution. A professional engineer can provide a thorough inspection and recommend the best long-term fix for your foundation problems. After getting their advice, you can solicit bids based on their recommendations.

Just a heads-up: it sounds like the second company you mentioned offered you a quote but didn't conduct a detailed analysis, which is something you should definitely look for ahead of finalizing anything.


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