Hey everyone! So, I recently moved to a new place in zone 7A, and the previous owners had these amazing heirloom tomatoes growing in their raised beds. I'm not usually a fan of tomatoes, but they were so delicious that I ended up loving tomato and cheese sandwiches! This year, I want to grow my own heirloom tomatoes and would love some advice. Where's the best place to buy seeds? How should I plant them? Any tips from seasoned growers in the 7A area would be super appreciated. Thanks in advance!
1 Answer
When growing heirloom tomatoes, a key tip is to avoid planting them in the same soil every year due to the risk of soilborne diseases. I highly recommend checking out places like Seed Savers Exchange, Territorial Seeds, and Renee's Garden for some fantastic heirloom varieties. A couple of my favorites for zone 8A (which should do well in your zone) are Cherokee Purple and Chocolate Stripes for slicing, along with San Marzano for sauces, and Principe Borghese if you want to dry them out. Just remember, if you find a flavor you love, save some seeds for next year!