Hey everyone! I'm looking for opinions on those concrete penetrating solutions or paints that claim to stop radon from seeping through. I found several products that seem promising, especially the deep penetrating liquids that supposedly solidify and seal the concrete. My situation is a bit tricky as I'm dealing with a concrete slab that has numerous cracks and visible gaps. I'm planning to seal those up with some flexible caulk too. Just curious if anyone has actually had success with these products or if they're all just a gimmick.
2 Answers
Honestly, it might be worth looking into a proper radon mitigation system. We had one installed before moving into our house, and it cost under $2500. Of course, the need varies from person to person, but for peace of mind, it’s nice to eliminate that worry completely, especially if you plan to use your basement later.
From what I've read, these solutions can help by reducing radon movement, since it's a gas and anything that slows its migration can decrease exposure. However, if your levels are below the action threshold, it might not be a huge concern. Sealing those cracks could definitely be a step in the right direction!