Help! Should I Keep the M18 Compact or Switch to Something Else?

Asked By ToolFanatic92 On

Hey everyone! I just bought a bunch of tools and I'm feeling a bit nervous about one of my choices. I got the M12 3/8" stubby and the M18 1/2" compact high torque impact (model 2855-22R). However, I'm confused about the specs listed on Home Depot's site. It says it delivers 1,000 ft./lbs. of fastening torque but then also mentions a POWERSTATE brushless motor that only delivers 250 ft./lbs. of nut-busting torque. Can someone clarify this for me? I mainly bought it for automotive work, especially for loosening nuts on suspension. If it's really just 250 ft./lbs., should I just stick with the M12 and return the M18?

1 Answer

Answered By WrenchWizard77 On

Honestly, the M18 compact is weaker compared to the M12 stubby in terms of nut-busting power. If you’re planning to use it for suspension work, I’d recommend returning it and getting the model 2967-20 high torque instead. Alternatively, you could go for the M18 1/2in mid torque which has stats similar to the stubby.


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