How Can I Care for My New String of Pearls Plant?

Asked By PlantL0ver2022 On

Hey everyone! I just impulsively bought a string of pearls plant, and I'm not the best at keeping plants alive, but I'm determined to take good care of this one. Any tips or tricks you could share for keeping it healthy?

2 Answers

Answered By SucculentSally88 On

I have a little string of pearls myself! I keep mine in a shallow terracotta bowl filled with orchid bark, along with some other succulents. I water it once every one or two weeks with a hose if it's not raining. It's been thriving outside in Florida for almost two years now! I occasionally lay some of the strands back on top of the mix to encourage it to grow thicker.

Answered By GreenThumb123 On

The biggest thing to remember is to avoid repotting it for at least two weeks. Let it settle in first! Also, be super careful with watering—it’s really easy to overwater these plants, and that’s a common reason many beginners struggle with plant care.


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