How can I find reliable contractors for remodeling projects?

Asked By Qwerty123! On

I'm not constructing a new home, but I'm looking to replace windows and enhance building efficiency with kitchen and bathroom remodels. What's the best way to find contractors who are knowledgeable in building science and use proper techniques as highlighted in sources like Fine Homebuilding or Passive House? Are there specific certifications or indicators I should look for to ensure they know what they're doing?

3 Answers

Answered By Renov8tor102 On

Writing a detailed project scope for your remodel can really help. You can even snag some detailed drawings online and include them in your contract. It takes some effort, but it can help keep everyone on the same page.

Answered By SkillfulSam On

Honestly, if you have the time, learning some DIY skills can save you a lot of hassle with contractors. It’s hard to trust them, and sometimes you’ll find that their standards don’t match yours. Good contractors are out there, but vetting them can be tricky. Just make sure to do your homework, and be a fair client if you find one you like.

Answered By BuilderNinja99@ On

Start by checking out their past work through photos and ask them about their process. A solid contractor will be open to discussing your ideas and what you expect from the project. Don't shy away from diving into details about methods and techniques—it's key!


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