How Can I Fix a Burned Component on My M12 Power Supply?

Asked By User1234! On

Hey everyone! I have an M12 power supply, but unfortunately, one of the parts on the PCB has burned out. I was looking into getting a replacement, but the cost is around $80 just for the same USB charging speed—though it is type-C. Ideally, I want to fix this one until they introduce PD USB charging. I've seen a few options on Amazon, but they look pretty similar to what I already have. Does anyone know how I can find the burned part on the PCB or have any tips for repairing it? Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

Answered By FixItJoe98 On

It's great that you're looking to repair rather than replace! First, check the model number on the PCB; often, the schematics can be found online. If you can identify the burned component, you might find a similar one at a local electronics store or online. Sometimes it's just a resistor or capacitor that's easy to swap out. Good luck!


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