How Can I Get Rid of Spider Mites for Good?

Asked By Gard3nNinja99 On

I've been struggling with spider mites that are wreaking havoc on my plants and food. I've tried various natural remedies like garlic water, clove water, baking soda, and Epsom salt, but nothing seems to work. My seedlings are being destroyed, and I'm starting to feel really frustrated. Has anyone found a reliable way to eliminate these pests completely? Any advice would be super helpful. Thanks!

3 Answers

Answered By NatureNurse On

High humidity can really help control spider mites. You could try blasting the undersides of leaves with water or using something like oil soap or alcohol to control them. My plants seem to handle it better when they're happy and well taken care of!

Answered By GreenThumbGina On

You might want to try using epazote spray or neem oil as a drench. Just a heads-up, neem oil can make plants a bit sensitive to light initially, so be careful not to burn your plants. It's been known to help roll those pests off!

Answered By PlantPal101 On

Adding beneficial predator mites to your garden could be a game changer! There are different species that target spider mites specifically, but you'll need to do a bit of research to find the right one for your climate. It's worked for me in the past, but sometimes they might come back next season, so keep that in mind!


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