How Can I Keep Squirrels Away from My Plants?

Asked By G4rD3nN3rd22 On

I'm looking for effective ways to deter squirrels from raiding my garden. I already know about planting marigolds and mint, but I'm curious to hear about any other methods or tools that you've found successful for keeping these pesky critters at bay.

3 Answers

Answered By SpiceMaster21 On

A simple but effective trick is to sprinkle hot pepper flakes around your plants and refresh it after it rains. The spicy taste will make them think twice about munching in your garden.

Answered By DogLover42 On

Having two dogs has worked wonders for me. Their presence really keeps those squirrels away!

Answered By SquirrelSniper99 On

Using a .22 rifle can be effective; just make sure to check your local laws first. I started taking some out last spring and after a while, the remaining squirrels learned that my yard wasn't a safe spot anymore! Just keep in mind, if you stop for a bit, they might come back.


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