How Do You Keep Track of Your Tool Warranties?

Asked By ToolG33k_123 On

I know this might sound silly, but I'm having trouble keeping track of the warranties for my tools. It seems like every time I need a receipt, I can't find it! Do you all use spreadsheets or any special methods to organize this information? Any tips would be appreciated!

2 Answers

Answered By QuickBuy_42 On

Honestly, I don’t track them at all. If a tool breaks down, I just buy a new one. But some people I know just take photos of the receipt and email them to themselves with a clear subject line for easy searching later.

Answered By LabelMaster_77 On

What I do is label each tool with its serial number, warranty expiry date, and the warranty contact number, then I stick that label in the battery compartment. It makes everything easy to find when I need it!


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