I bought a small monstera last summer that I initially thought had humidity damage, but it turned out to be thrips. I've had it for about six months now, and luckily, the thrips haven't spread to my other plants since I kept it isolated. After trying some less aggressive methods, I finally used Bonide systemic granules for treatment. I think I might have won the battle against them. I've noticed new, healthy leaves emerging recently, with no signs of damage, but most existing leaves still show some damage. How do you know for sure when you've won against thrips?
1 Answer
When I find pests, I treat them regularly until I stop seeing any. I inspect the plant daily or every couple of days. If I spot a pest again, I reset my clock to zero and treat it. Generally, after about two weeks without any sightings, I consider it pest-free, and after three weeks, I feel safe reintroducing it to my plant collection.