How Efficient is My Washing Machine with Water Usage?

Asked By NewHomeOwner42 On

As a new homeowner, I've inherited a washing machine and dryer from the previous owner. I didn't really pay attention to water usage before, but now I'm trying to figure out how much water my washing machine actually uses. I generally use the two-rinse option, but it seems like that's resulting in around 40-50 gallons of water per load when I set it to auto-sense, on normal wash, with the dirt level at the highest setting. Just yesterday, using a single rinse instead, it only used about 25 gallons. Can anyone help clarify if this is normal?

3 Answers

Answered By EcoLaundryFan On

Sounds like a lot of water for a wash! It might be worth looking into a high-efficiency model if your current one isn't living up to expectations. You can calculate the cost savings per load based on how often you do laundry.

Answered By CuriousConsumer88 On

Those estimates sound pretty wild! Can you share what make and model your washer is? That might help others give better advice.

Answered By WaterTracker99 On

How are you measuring your water usage? If it's based on hourly tracking from your county's water records, that could be quite accurate.


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