I've got a flower bed that's been pretty much abandoned for a couple of years, and it's overrun with weeds. I'm looking for some advice on how to weed it without harming the flowers that are still alive in there. What are the best methods to get it all sorted?
3 Answers
It's important to know which plants are the flowers and which are the pesky weeds. How big is your flower bed? If you can identify them, that’ll help prevent any damage to the flower roots!
A good approach is to use a trowel to gently turn the soil. Carefully pull out the weeds and then compact the soil around the plants you want to keep. Don’t forget to give everything a good watering afterward to help them recover!
I definitely know my flowers from the weeds; my main worry is damaging those roots while pulling out the weeds. The space is about 2 feet by 6 feet.