Is it Too Late to Start Gardening This Year?

Asked By GarD3ner_9aZ On

Hey everyone, I've had a rough year with lots of setbacks and gardening kind of fell off my radar. Now I really want to give it another shot since this would be my second time attempting to garden. I live in zone 6b in NW Ohio, and I've seen that many people have already started planting. Is it too late for me to order seeds and get my raised bed ready?

1 Answer

Answered By PlantLover210 On

You definitely don’t need to stress about starting things like peppers or tomatoes from seed, especially if you're new to gardening. Starting seeds indoors can be tricky and is like a whole new skill! Considering your zone, you really don't want to plant most veggies until late May or early June anyway. Just grab tomatoes and peppers from a local garden center when it's warm enough. You can still order seeds for direct-sown crops like beans, squash, cucumbers, and various herbs. You're actually ahead of the game! (Happy cake day too!)


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