Is This Vanity Backside Acceptable or a Reason for Concern?

Asked By xXrandomUser123Xx On

I just completed a brand new bathroom and here's a look at the backside of the vanity in the drawer under the sink (check out the image [here]( The contractor has done an amazing job overall, but I'm wondering if I should let this slide. Since I'll be opening this drawer daily to access the power bar, I'm a bit worried about regretting it later. My contractor mentioned he could touch it up, but it wouldn't be perfect. What do you think?

2 Answers

Answered By DIY_lover99 On

Honestly, I’ve seen worse under cabinets! You definitely can ask him to clean it up a bit, but perfection isn’t necessary. He probably mentioned 'caulking' around the pipe, which could end up looking a bit messy. But think about it—are you really going to be bothered by it every time you open that drawer?

Answered By c0nstruct0rCritique On

It feels like your contractor cut a big square instead of measuring and cutting around the pipes properly. Unfortunately, at this point, it might be too late to get it fixed without replacing the whole vanity. You could try talking to him about possibly getting a discount for the oversight, considering he has been honest and hard-working otherwise.


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