Looking for Insulation Advice for My Home Renovation

Asked By XyZ123!@# On

I'm adding onto an older home from the 80s and I've noticed that the insulation in the walls is only about 3 inches thick at most. I'm planning to strip all the siding off the house to replace the insulation in both the existing structure and the attic. While I'm working with a limited budget, I'm open to spending a little more if it makes sense. It seems like blown-in insulation could be the most cost-effective solution for the walls, vaulted ceiling rafters, and attic space. Any tips or advice on this process would be really helpful! Oh, and I'm based in northern Georgia, which might be relevant for insulation choices.

1 Answer

Answered By iNsUlAtOr92 On

You can actually blow insulation in from inside your walls without having to remove the siding. They’ll drill small holes in the drywall and fill it that way. However, if your walls already have some insulation, it might not really help you much to blow in more, especially if they’re 2x4s. It could just end up being a wasted effort if you already have some insulation in there.


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