Looking for Material Suggestions for Building a Ramp for My Mum

Asked By M4tt3wT_82 On

Hey everyone! My mum is getting older and needs a ramp to help her get over a step in the backyard. I've already figured out the structural design and the angles, but now I need your advice on the best materials to use. Since this ramp will be exposed to the Australian weather—including rain and hot sun—I need something durable that will last at least a few years. I plan to carpet the ramp with commercial-grade outdoor synthetic carpet, so surface friction isn't a big concern. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot!

4 Answers

Answered By ElderlyRampPro On

I’ve built a few ramps for older folks, and I gotta say, carpet can get slippery when it’s wet, which is a safety risk. I went with pressure-treated deck boards laid crosswise and then used traction tape over them. It worked really well and helped with stability. Good luck with the project!

Answered By KrazySkateMan09 On

Honestly, I was hoping this was about skate ramps too! For your mum's ramp, I recommend using pressure-treated wood. It’s super durable and can handle the weather pretty well. If your mum gets better, you can always adapt or modify it later without too much hassle.

Answered By DeckMaster3000 On

Composite decking is a great option! It won’t rot like wood, plus it’s really sturdy and looks nice too. If the area tends to get wet, wood under the carpet might not hold up well over time. You could also consider using rubberized stall pads instead of carpet; they’re easier to clean and won't deteriorate as quickly. Just a heads up though, composite decking can get pretty hot in the sun!

Answered By RampBuilderBro On

Hey, could you fill us in on the specifics of the ramp? Like how high is the step and how long do you need the ramp to be? That info can really help narrow down the material options!


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