Looking for User Reviews: King 5100 vs. Bosch 4100 Table Saws

Asked By UserX9$#12 On

Hey everyone! I'm in the market for a new table saw to replace my really old Beaver model, but I'm on a tight budget. My top two choices right now are the King 5100 and the Bosch 4100, both priced around $400CAD. I'd love to hear from anyone who has actually used either of these saws. Please share your honest experiences, including any pros and cons, what impressed you, and what let you down. Let's keep it focused on user experiences instead of brand debates. Thanks a bunch!

3 Answers

Answered By ToolKing73! On

I picked up the Bosch 4100 on clearance last year, and it's a world of difference from my old Dewalt 8 1/4" saw. The engineering on the Bosch is solid, and it's super versatile for all kinds of cuts. Honestly, it’s one of those purchases that just feels great every time you use it!

Answered By HappyCutter56@ On

I’ve had the Bosch 4100 for quite a while, and it’s been reliable. Just a heads up though, the included blade isn't the best, so swapping it out for a higher quality one makes a big difference. I’ve noticed the fence can get loose over time, but there are budget solutions to fix that and keep it accurate. Overall, it’s been a good investment!

Answered By WoodWorkerBee#8 On

Started with the Bosch 4100 too, and I absolutely loved it! I eventually gave it to my dad when I upgraded, and he’s really enjoying it now as well. If you decide to go with it, definitely grab the gravity rise stand; it makes moving and storing the saw a breeze!


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