Need Tips for Safely Stripping Paint Near a Bed

Asked By User42XyZ! On

Hey everyone! I'm trying to tackle a tough paint stripping job on a section of my wall that's covered in a really stubborn mess. It's been there for ages, and I'm not sure how to go about safely removing it, especially since the wall is close to my bed, which is a bit tricky to move. If you've got any procedures or tips for a beginner like me, I'd really appreciate it!

1 Answer

Answered By PaintNinja99 On

It sounds like a tough spot! First off, make sure you have proper ventilation while stripping paint—maybe open a window or use fans. For the actual paint stripper, look for a gel formula; it tends to be less drippy and works well on vertical surfaces. Apply it carefully with a brush, and follow the instructions on the label for wait time. Use a scraper or putty knife to get the paint off, and be gentle so you don’t damage the wall beneath.


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