What Are the Best Dates for Starting Indoor Plants by Growing Zone?

Asked By PlantLover42 On

I recently made the move from Arizona in the southwest US to Iowa in the Midwest. I'm eager to start growing some plants indoors as early as I can, but I'm not sure when to begin planting. I know I'll need to buy an indoor grow light and pot some seeds soon, but I'd love some tips or a chart that outlines the best planting dates based on different growing zones. Any advice would be super helpful!

1 Answer

Answered By MidwestGreenthumb On

Check out the gardening planner tool I found that offers a calendar and a list of vegetables. You can adjust it based on your last frost date. Here’s the link; I use it all the time! It's super handy! https://www.ufseeds.com/oregon-vegetable-planting-calendar.html


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