What’s the Best Mulch and Soil for Your Garden?

    Asked By g4rden2h3ro On

    Hey everyone! I'm looking for some advice on garden soil and mulch options. Last year's choices didn't quite meet my expectations, and I generally like using cedar mulch. I'd love to hear what types of garden soils you all recommend and what mulch works best for you. Also, which garden zones are you all in? I'm working with both raised beds and in-ground planting, so any tips would be appreciated!

    1 Answer

    Answered By PlantLover93 On

    For my raised beds, I mix together some raised bed garden soil, mushroom compost, and top soil. As for mulch, I prefer to make use of leaves and grass clippings from my yard—it’s free! I've been gardening this way for about five years, and it really works well for me. Plus, the no-till method has helped a lot with maintaining a good microbial community in the soil!


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