What’s the Best Tool for Making 1.5-Inch Notches in 2x4s Quickly?

Asked By s0lUt10Nf1nd3r On

I'm looking for a tool or method to efficiently create 1.5-inch deep notches in vertical 2x4 boards. I've tried using a circular saw and chiseling, but it takes too long for the number of notches I need to produce. I typically need notches that are 3.5 inches wide, and I have to make about 1 to 2 notches per board. Any suggestions on better tools or techniques for this?

2 Answers

Answered By quickFixMaster On

If you're not too worried about precision, the Mafell Groove Cutter is really fast at making these types of cuts. It handles the notches quickly, and you won't need to make multiple passes. More of a trade-off between speed and accuracy, though!

Answered By woodNinja38 On

Making a simple jig for your router is also a great method. Just attach it to the 2x4 and plunge cut the notch. It will keep everything nice and consistent without too much hassle!


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