When Can We Expect the 4Ah Power Pack Battery to Drop?

Asked By Qw3rty123! On

Hey everyone! I'm curious if anyone has insights on the release date for the new 4Ah Power Pack Battery. I recently got my hands on the 8Ah PowerPack and love its performance, but it's a bit bulky and heavy for my needs. I'm looking for something smaller. My 5Ah Powerstack batteries have been a bit of a hassle with compatibility issues when used with an adapter, which is frustrating since my 1.7Ah Powerstack works perfectly fine. I even had to file a warranty claim on the 5Ah Powerstack before, so I really want to switch to a more reliable option as soon as possible. Do you think the 3.5Ah Powerstack could be a better fit? I've been hesitant to buy it since I can't find it at a reasonable price in the US yet.

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