DIYAldi Vs Lidl - Which DIY tools are the best

Aldi Vs Lidl – Which DIY tools are the best


Lidl and Aldi are the two most popular discount supermarkets in Europe. Which one is better? There’s only one way to find out: a power tool showdown!

Aldi and Lidl offer great discounts on DIY tools. Since both stores are quite similar and offer a similar range of tools for a reasonable price. It can be difficult to decide which is the best for you. This post will outline the advantages of each store, as well as the best DIY tools from each store. You’ll learn about power drills, saws, sanders, and more!

This post will be broken into subcategories where we can compare the products on offer and decide which of the two stores offers more to the customer to help you decide whether you should be investing in the range of tools at Aldi or Lidl.

Build Quality & Performance

Build quality and performance for power tools is important because it’s what determines how long the power tools will last as well as their efficiency. The last thing you want is for your tool to fail when you need it most or worse, end up making a mess of a precision job due to it having poor design and calibration. While both Aldi and Lidl offer a variety of tools, it’s important to note that they’re aimed at different demographics which is reflected in their overall build quality.

Aldi is more aimed towards the average homeowner who needs tools for small DIY projects (e.g. hanging a picture) while Lidl is aimed directly at the tradesmen and professionals who are doing serious woodworking on a daily basis, such as building furniture or repairing cabinets.

For this reason, tools in the Parkside range are generally built using a more durable design and have been built with frequent use in mind. This means they often have more comfortable, ergonomic design, better support for accessories and bits along with some useful guides and measures such as lasers and lights to help ensure you get a precise and accurate result from the tool.

Winner: Lidl / Parkside

Price & Value

Price is very important for many people. You always want to make sure you get the best quality tool for your money. Both stores aim to provide you with good quality tools for as cheap as possible but which store provides tools at the lowest price?

The pricing in Aldi is as you would expect, very low, with some genuine bargains to be found in the range of power tools that they sell. This makes it a great place to pick up general household tools that you use occasionally such as sanders or drills.

Lidl also prices their tools very low but not quite as low as Aldi. You will often find that common tools like drills and saws are a little more expensive in Lidl than the equivalent Workzone branded tool in Aldi, but the price is not everything. You want value for your money.

Over the past few years, the Parkside range of tools has increased in price and along with this price, the increase has been a steep increase in quality. Their tools now come with features often found on high-end brands and the entire range has been modified to share a common battery, something that is not seen in the Workzone line of tools. This means that you can have one battery and one charger that works for all of the different tools.

The Workzone line of tools has been slower to keep up with this and you will find that you can end up with several incompatible batteries for Workzone branded tools which in the long run, increases cost and clutter as investing in one additional battery for a drill, will not mean you also have a spare battery for your jigsaw.

Although Aldi/Workzone come out the winner when it comes to price, value for money puts Parkside on top as for a small percentage of a price increase you get a much larger percentage increase in quality.

Winner: Lidl / Parkside


Power tool accessories are one of the more exciting elements of owning power tools. The vast choice of accessories for power tools covers a huge range, many of which are compatible with more than one tool.

This ability to share accessories is one of the reasons why there is such a wide market out there for it. Combi drills in particular take great advantage of multiple different bits that can perform a huge range of different tasks. The same goes for multi-tools, which by their very design, are meant to support a huge range of different tasks and attachments.

Effective support of accessories comes from how compatible the tools are with other brands of accessories. Since Aldi and Lidl stores only have DIY tools available every few months, you can’t rely on these supermarkets to be able to purchase additional cutting bits and replacement accessories for any of the tools they sell.

I have never found a single tool from the Workzone or Parkside brand that broke away from the standard dimensions and style of accessories available. For some of the smaller tools, it might be difficult to find the parts in local stores but they are standard nonetheless. The smaller tool, 12v Parkside Router was one in particular where I have not been able to find any store that sells 8mm router bits. Fortunately, it came with a collet for 6mm bits which are very common.

Since both supermarkets support their tools with a similar range of accessories which are cross-compatible with other brands this one has to be an even draw.

Winner: Draw


Availability is a very important part of investing in a family of power tools. If you can’t find the accessories or replacement parts you need immediately, you’ll have to either search online for a retailer who sells them or wait for more stock to appear in your local store.

Both Lidl and Aldi are well known for their constant supply of stock that keeps coming in and out of stores on a regular basis. This is very important as it enables you go get a replacement part on the day that it breaks or if you want some additional accessories to expand your tool set further. Which of the stores is the best?

From experience, I find that Lidl stores have a run of DIY tools available every month or two. On top of this, they seem to be in the habit of having a small section of the middle aisle that has a constant supply of replacement batteries which prevents you from having to pay the extortionate prices that people are reselling them for on Amazon.

Aldi runs DIY offers far less frequently and when they do, they seem to focus more on hand tools and storage containers. They most definitely beat Lidl in this sense, but when focussing on power tools, Lidl once again comes out on top when it comes to how often the tools are available.

Winner: Lidl / Parkside


The final winner of this comparison has to be Lidl. They have by far the most complete range of power tools of the two supermarkets. With plenty of tools supporting accessories across all brands, a consistent run of stock is plentiful and available in shops both online and in stores.

The fact that they are a chain also helps to increase their size and influence over the DIY market by being able to offer bulk discounts on parts for their power tools. You are going to get a much better tool from the Parkside brand than any similar priced online retailer is going to provide you with on Amazon.

The Parkside brand has shown us many times over that they are capable of sourcing some incredibly high-quality tools that vastly outperform other tools in their price range and can sometimes even hold up against some of the bigger brands.

With the best value for money, best quality and are most frequently available in stores, the trophy has to be awarded to Parkside as being the best supermarket brand of power tools.

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