Looking for Budget-Friendly Roof Rail Options for Solar Panels

Asked By s0larDude42 On

I'm planning to add a couple of panels to my East-West facing roof to set up some solar backup power for my chest freezers. The system will be off-grid, using an automatic transfer switch to draw from batteries when the grid goes down. I'm not interested in a full solar roof system since those prices seem outrageous for what seems like just aluminum rails and clamps. Can anyone suggest a simple, DIY-friendly roof mounting rail kit?

2 Answers

Answered By C4rport1ngExpert On

It really depends on your roof type and how you intend to align the panels. If they're right at the roof peak, it might limit how much rain and snow can get underneath. You could use Unistrut as a cheaper alternative to traditional solar rails.

Answered By W1nd0wZill4 On

Have you thought about whether you really need rails? Signature Solar has these Topspeed mounts that are just $18 plus a roof sealant, which I've used and had no leaks so far. There are also mini rails available for about $5 each, plus another $2 for clamps, which could be another option for you.


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