I recently bought two telescopic pruning shears from Lidl's Parkside line, and I'm honestly stunned by how quickly they broke. Both shears failed after less than 30 seconds of trimming thin branches—about 3mm in diameter.
Here's what went wrong:
1. **Blade Issues:** The blades would get stuck while closing, and even ended up cutting into each other, damaging the blades right away.
2. **Design Problems:** The locking mechanism, a red piece meant to keep the shears closed during storage, is poorly designed. If it isn't just right, it shatters immediately upon use—there's no bumper to protect it.
It's surprising that so many of these tools have been sold without proper testing, especially since they failed in less time than it takes to drink a cup of coffee! The materials themselves seem durable, but the overall design leaves a lot to be desired. I'm wondering if anyone else has faced similar issues with Parkside tools or if I'm just really unlucky with these two defective units.
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