Help Identifying My New Succulent and Watering Tips!

Asked By PlantL0ver2023 On

Hey everyone! I just adopted a succulent and named it Bert (inspired by the chimney sweep from Mary Poppins). I believe it's an echeveria, but I'm having a tough time figuring out the exact species. I've looked at a few plant apps, and they're all suggesting different types! Also, I'm confused about the watering schedule. Some sources say to wait about 26 days between waterings, while others recommend only every two weeks. That's a huge difference! I'd really appreciate any tips or tricks to take care of Bert, especially on watering frequency and species identification.

1 Answer

Answered By GreenThumb78 On

Hey there! Welcome to the world of succulents! It sounds like you’re off to a great start with Bert. For watering, most succulents, including echeverias, really thrive on the 'soak and dry' method. This means you should water thoroughly until it drains out of the bottom, then let the soil dry out completely before watering again. A good rule of thumb for echeverias is every 2-3 weeks in the growing season (spring and summer) but adjust based on your environment. As for identification, have you checked out the 'Echeveria' guides online? They usually have pictures that can help you pinpoint the exact type. And don't forget to share photos; that always helps the community provide better advice!


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