Help! Dead Rats Keep Appearing in My Garden – What Can I Do?

Asked By Gard3nGh0st93 On

I've been finding dead rats in my garden, and it's getting really frustrating! This is the third one I've found now, and I'm trying to figure out whether it's cats or foxes that are leaving them. Either way, it's pretty gross and I need some advice on how to deter them. What steps can I take to prevent this from happening?

3 Answers

Answered By RodentRescuer84 On

Dealing with this can be quite messy. If you can, just bag them up and toss them to avoid attracting other pests. I understand the concern about poisons out there, it can lead to all sorts of unfortunate situations. If you have live rats, it’s definitely best to stick with keeping your garden tidy and possibly looking into natural repellents to make it less inviting.

Answered By NatureNerd77 On

Honestly, I’d say it’s better to have dead rats than live ones running around, right? Whatever is getting them is likely doing you a favor by controlling the rodent population in your garden. Just try to clean up quickly and safely to prevent any other animals from getting curious about them!

Answered By FurryFriends99 On

It sounds like a tricky situation! If the rats look a bit chewed up or just left lying there, it could mean someone might be putting out bait. The predators usually take what they catch home, but well-fed cats sometimes just leave their kills out to show off. Keeping an eye out for the signs could help you identify what's happening.


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