Are My Arborvitae Roots Okay in Burlap?

Asked By Qwerty123!@# On

Hey everyone! So last year, I got some new landscaping done and they planted six emerald green arborvitaes. The thing is, they wrapped the roots in burlap and tied them with what looks like natural rope. They've also been planted kind of above ground, with the roots covered in soil and mulch to give them more height. Now, almost a year later, I've noticed some burlap peeking through because the wind and rain have shifted the dirt and mulch around. I'm wondering if it's okay to cover the burlap with more soil and mulch, and should I think about peeling any of it back? I just want to make sure they're growing well. Overall, they seem pretty healthy, but I've noticed some brown spots. Thanks for any help!

1 Answer

Answered By PlantPal23 On

The success of your arborvitaes really depends on your specific soil type. They usually thrive when planted this way, but they need moist, well-drained soil, which often means mounding the dirt during planting. As for the burlap, you might get mixed results. I'd say to cover the exposed burlap with more dirt and mulch; they should be okay. Just keep in mind, some might not make it due to their nature!


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