Are Seed Potatoes Really Better than Grocery Store Potatoes?

    Asked By PotatoLover87 On

    I've been curious about seed potatoes. They're sold separately, but are they actually better than just using a bag of organic potatoes from the store? That's what I've been doing for all my tubers so far. It feels a bit like a hustle to me. What do you all think?

    2 Answers

    Answered By VeggieVoyager99 On

    For me, it's worth it because you can find more unique varieties when you go for seed potatoes. Grocery stores usually don't stock things like Purple Majesty potatoes, and those are such a treat to grow!

    Answered By FarmFresh45 On

    Seed potatoes undergo checks for diseases and don’t have those growth inhibitors that store-bought ones might have. So while they are still just regular potatoes, using them can give you higher quality tubers for planting.


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