Best Jigsaw Blade for Cutting a Butcher Block Sink Opening?

Asked By J3ffH4ck3r On

I'm working on cutting a drop-in sink opening into a butcher block and I'm looking for a better jigsaw blade. Currently, I'm using Spyder blades which do okay, but my cuts tend to come out a bit off and I'm wondering if there's a thicker blade option that can help minimize any bowing during the cut. I understand that some imperfection is part of using a jigsaw, but any suggestions for a more robust blade that reduces deflection would be great. Cost isn't really an issue. Thanks!

2 Answers

Answered By Sawbod3y On

I’d suggest starting with a circular saw to cut most of it out, then use the jigsaw for the corners. That's usually the best method!

Answered By C0nn3ct3D On

For drop-in sinks, the lip usually covers any small cut imperfections, so don't stress too much about it being perfectly plumb. Using a straight-edge guide while cutting can help keep the blade on track.


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