Best Plywood Size for Closet Shelves and Routing Tips

Asked By qW3rTy!2021 On

I'm building some closet shelves using AC plywood, and I'm planning to paint both sides dark gray while leaving the edges with exposed wood. The AC plywood comes in two sizes: 1/2" and 23/32". I want to router the edges to create a rounded finish, like a half circle. However, I'm unsure whether to choose the 1/2" or 23/32" thickness for my shelving. Also, how do I figure out the right roundover radius based on the thickness of the wood? Lastly, should I route the edges before or after painting?

1 Answer

Answered By WoodMaster3000 On

I agree with CraftyWoodworker88. You definitely shouldn't try to round over the plywood directly; it won't look great. Instead, glue on a solid wood piece on the edge and route that for a smooth finish. If you're aiming for a full 'half circle' effect, a 3/8" roundover bit is a solid choice. For a subtler curve, you could opt for a 1/4" or 1/8" bit depending on your style preferences.


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