Best Shrubs for Front Landscaping That Stay Under 6 Feet?

Asked By GreenThumb92 On

I recently moved into a new home and I'm eager to start landscaping the front yard. I'm specifically looking for shrubs that can reach a height of about 5 to 6 feet, thrive in clay soil, and can tolerate around 6 to 7 hours of direct sunlight daily. Flowering isn't a priority for me; I just want them to look lush without blocking any windows. Pruning is fine, but I want to avoid species that naturally grow over 10 feet since that would be hard to manage. I'll ensure they get water during dry spells as well. We already have a few boxwoods that I plan to relocate.

1 Answer

Answered By FloraFanatic77 On

Hydrangeas are a solid choice for your criteria! They do well in full sun in northern areas, and they add a lovely touch to landscaping. Besides hydrangeas, you might also consider elderberries. They come in fun colors like purple and lemon-lime, and they're pretty hardy. Other good options are Rose of Sharon (just make sure to choose a sterile cultivar), hardy hibiscus, smokebush, and lilac. I've planted all of these in clay soil, and adding compost twice a year really helps improve the soil quality.
Good luck with your garden!


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