Best Way to Clean Up Broken Glass on Our 5-Acre Hobby Farm?

Asked By RandomUser5743 On

My husband and I have recently bought 5 acres to turn into a hobby farm for our retirement. Unfortunately, the land was previously used for storing junk cars, which has left us with extensive areas covered in broken glass. We're looking for effective ways to clean up the glass so that our dogs and other animals can roam freely without getting hurt. Currently, we're considering digging holes to bury the glass and cover it with clean fill, but we're not sure if that's the best option. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

1 Answer

Answered By CleanFarmers99 On

I also have a larger property that I've been cleaning up for a while. My advice is to start getting rid of as much junk as you can by renting a dumpster. It really helps to just pick it all up and toss it out. Also, keep in mind that old cars might have leaked oil and chemicals into the soil, which could be harmful for any plants you want to grow later on. Make sure you check for that before moving forward!


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