Can I Add a 4th Battery to My Current Setup?

Asked By R4nd0mU53rn4m3 On

I currently have three 200ah 24v Ampere Time batteries that I bought in 2022, and they haven't been used much—they're mostly always charged. I'm wondering if I can add a fourth battery to my system, or if the voltages might create issues. Would it be okay to do this?

1 Answer

Answered By CuriousCharger456 On

Why aren't you using your batteries more? They're there for emergencies, right? Adding more might not make sense if you aren't using them frequently. Also, three batteries seems odd. Are they in a 1s3p configuration? If you're thinking about adding a fourth, you might want to rethink how you're setting them up—like going 2s2p or 1s4p. What’s your overall plan?


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