Can I Germinate Indoor Seeds Outdoors Instead?

Asked By G4rdenF0x On

Hey everyone! I have some seeds that are meant to be started indoors, but I'm running out of space and equipment to do that. Can I still germinate them outside? Will they sprout successfully?

3 Answers

Answered By GardenMaster99 On

Absolutely, you can germinate those seeds outdoors! The reason many people start them inside is to control the environment and get a head start, especially in shorter growing seasons. But in most cases, if you plant them outside, they’ll still sprout and you'll likely get a decent harvest! Plants really want to thrive, so don’t worry too much.

Answered By SunnyDays81 On

Yep, you can definitely germinate them outdoors. Just keep in mind that while they'll grow, you might not get as huge a harvest as if you started them inside. But they can still thrive with the right care!

Answered By TropicalGardener22 On

You're in Hawaii, so you should have a great chance of success! In my first year in Arizona, I did the same with peppers and herbs, and they turned out fine. Just keep an eye on the weather and adjust your watering; it’s all part of the gardening journey!


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